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Tech Neck Relief Treatment Coconut Creek FL

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Tech Neck Treatment

Your Coconut Creek Chiropractor Provides Pain Relief Treatment for Tech Neck

“Tech neck,” also known as “text neck,” is a term used to describe a specific type of neck pain and damage to the spine that results from the overuse of handheld devices like smartphones and tablets. This condition has become increasingly prevalent with the widespread use of mobile devices and prolonged screen time. Tech neck occurs when people spend long periods looking down at their devices, causing strain on the neck, shoulders, and upper back. Unfortunately, kids are suffering more and more from this. If you suffer from this or you want to avoid this then your Coconut Creek Chiropractor, Dr. Barnard can help.

Symptoms of Tech Neck

Key features of tech neck include:

Forward Head Posture:

The most noticeable aspect of tech neck is the forward tilt of the head and neck while using handheld devices. This posture places significant stress on the neck and spine.

Muscle Strain:

Continuously holding the head in a downward position can lead to muscle strain in the neck and upper back. The muscles must work harder to support the weight of the head when it is not in its natural, upright position.

Spinal Alignment Issues:

Over time, the repetitive stress of looking down at screens can affect the natural curvature of the spine, potentially leading to misalignments or postural issues.

Pain and Discomfort:

Tech neck can result in neck pain, shoulder pain, headaches, and upper back pain. These symptoms may be intermittent at first but can become chronic with continued device usage.

Tech Neck Treatment Options

Chiropractic care can be beneficial for individuals experiencing tech neck, which is characterized by neck pain and discomfort resulting from prolonged use of handheld devices and poor posture. Dr. Barnard is trained to diagnose and treat musculoskeletal conditions, including those related to poor posture and neck strain. Here’s how chiropractic care can help with tech neck:

Postural Assessment:

A comprehensive postural assessment will be used to evaluate the alignment of your spine and neck. Dr. Barnard will identify any misalignments or abnormalities that may be contributing to tech neck.

Spinal Adjustments:

Our office uses precise spinal adjustments to realign the vertebrae in your neck and upper back. These adjustments can alleviate tension and pressure on the neck and spine caused by poor posture and overuse of handheld devices.

Soft Tissue Techniques:

As a supportive therapy we use soft tissue manipulation, such as massage or myofascial release, to relax tense muscles in the neck, shoulders, and upper back. This can help reduce pain and improve range of motion.

Ergonomic Recommendations:

Dr. Barnard provides guidance on ergonomics and proper posture while using devices. They may recommend adjustments to your workstation or suggest modifications to your daily routines to reduce the risk of tech neck.

Strengthening Exercises:

We prescribe exercises and stretches to strengthen the muscles that support the neck and upper back. Stronger muscles can better support proper posture and reduce the risk of future tech neck issues.

Pain Management:

Dr. Barnard offers natural pain management strategies, reducing the need for medications and their potential side effects. This may include heat or cold therapy, electrical stimulation, or other pain-relief techniques.

Preventive Care:

Chiropractic emphasizes preventive care to address the root causes of tech neck. They can educate patients on lifestyle changes, stress management, and strategies to maintain proper posture and spinal health.


Our office educates patients about the importance of taking breaks from device usage, stretching regularly, and maintaining good posture to prevent the recurrence of tech neck.

Contact our Coconut Creek Chiropractor today!

Call us at (561) 626-9555 to make an appointment.
