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Chiropractic Conditions We Treat in Coconut Creek

Coconut Creek Chiropractor  Injuries and Conditions

Listed below are some of the chiropractic conditions that we treat at our Coconut Creek chiropractic clinic. Click each box to drop down and read more about each condition and how our chiropractor Dr. Barnard can help you. If you have any questions on a conditions that is not listed please contact our office. We often have free consults for questions that patients might have.

One of the biggest chiropractic conditions we treat here in South Florida is car accident injuries. Here at Barnard Chiropractic, Health, Sports & Wellness in Coconut Creek we know the needs of patients who have suffered in an accident. We have treated many injuries due to car accidents.

Dr. Barnard knows the proper steps to decreasing pain and inflammation, stabilizing the injured area and strengthening it. We want you to go back to a happy and healthy life. The documentation and examination that is necessary for your injury should your accident become a law suit. We work side by side with some of the best attorneys here in south Florida. Dr. Barnard knows how to handle your case so you get the care needed.

Muscles can in fact give you pain. The stress and strain we put on our bodies can cause spasms and trigger points throughout the body. It’s important to address these spasms. Our Coconut Creek chiropractor says muscle spasms reduce function, limit range of motion and can cause pain symptoms to be local but also radiate to other parts of your body. Here at Barnard Chiropractic, Health, Sports & Wellness we have a variety of techniques and state of the art equipment to help deal with any trigger points or spasms that you may be dealing with.

Many children deal with chronic ear infections as they grow. There is a simple explanation that causes this. A child’s Eustachian tubes are more horizontal, then an adult. An adult’s tubes are more at an angle that allows fluid to drain easily. This change can cause chronic ear infections in children.

In children we can go to the spine to help fix this problem. That’s right the spine! With simple and light adjustments, our chiropractor can correct the misalignment in the spine which consequently will help your child’s ears drain. This is done so they do not continue to have ear infections. Don’t worry the techniques and process is safe and easy on children.

Its important for children to grow at their fullest potential. At Barnard Chiropractic, Health, Sports & Wellness we know how important that is. Children of all ages are welcome and we take the utmost care in helping them function and grow better. We treat a wide range of conditions that happen at birth all the way to adulthood. We make sure that the connection from brain to body is strong and that the spine is aligned because this optimizes growth and function. In the long run this allows your child to grow up healthy and happy.

Many people suffer with debilitating migraines or headaches and our chiropractic clinic is here to help. Here at Barnard Chiropractic, Health, Sports & Wellness we know the disruption that this can cause from living a happy and healthy life. If you suffer from reoccurring headaches or migraines its important to get checked out. The answer might be in your spine because if the spine is misaligned it can put pressure on your nerves. With simple corrections to your spine and the soft tissue we can help ease your symptoms.

One of the most common things that we treat here at Coconut Creek chiropractic clinic is back pain. Many people suffer from back pain because of a variety of reasons. Dr. Barnard knows how to examine, find, treat and relieve your back pain. Through adjustments, soft tissue treatment and other treatment we can help ease your back pain and get you back to the things you love to do most.

Another common condition we treat here at Barnard Chiropractic, Health, Sports & Wellness is neck pain. Neck pain is one of the most common conditions we treat. Technology certainly doesn’t help. More and more people are suffering with neck pain because technology. A new diagnosis came out called “Tech Neck”. However other people suffer from neck pain for other reasons and we know how to treat them all. With the right examination, testing and care plan we can get you feeling better.

Mothers undergo an incredible amount of stress mentally, physically and emotionally. Its important that the physical stress that is being placed on them is managed. As the body prepares for child birth, it releases a hormone known as “relaxin”. This hormone relaxes the ligaments that hold your joints together to allow for expansion of the pelvis for child birth. This hormone uniquely affects the entire body. The presence of this hormone along with the weight changes can increase back pain, neck pain, pelvic pain and more. Here at Barnard Chiropractic, Health, Sports & Wellness we know the needs of our expecting mothers. We provide and excellent environment that will make it easy on both mom and baby. The techniques used are designed for pregnant mothers and all adjustments are safe.

With any sport, no matter the level, injuries occur. Nothing can be more frustrating to an athlete then having to sit on the sidelines or not play. Here at Barnard Chiropractic, Health, Sports & Wellness we know just what it takes to get you back in the game. Injuries take time to heal. With proper care we can help speed up recovery along with preventing the injury to occur again.

Many people suffer from herniated or bulging disc(s) in their spine. Through conservative chiropractic treatment we can help with the symptoms that are associated with disc problems. In some cases, we may even be able to decrease the size of the disc herniation and improve your quality of life.

A lot of people come in with Sciatica. However, they may or may not truly have Sciatic. Here at Barnard Chiropractic, Health, Sports & Wellness we know the proper way to examine, find and treat the cause of your Sciatica. We don’t try to treat your symptoms because that is a temporary fix. We want to find the root cause of why you are having pain.

Most people don’t thing chiropractors treat other areas of the body other than the spine. The truth is we treat all areas of the body. The elbows can be a high stress point for anyone playing golf or tennis. This is why they came up with the terms “Tennis Elbow” and “Golfers Elbow”.  However, you don’t have to play these sports to get these types of pain and have this condition. If you’re an athlete or not we know how to distinguish between the two conditions. We use the best treatment options to get you back to the happy and pain free life.

Joint pains are a common condition that we see here at Barnard Chiropractic, Health, Sports & Wellness. Many people suffer from arthritis and joint pain and think that its just a part of getting older. The truth is that you can prevent arthritis and those painful symptoms if you get checked regularly. Arthritis starts to happen when there is abnormal stress being placed on the body. No matter the area the body will lay down new bone to help with the extra demand. We know the needs of our patients that suffer from arthritis. We have the best treatment options to help you feel better.

Most people believe that a Chiropractor deals only in back pain or spinal injuries. In fact, Chiropractic care is a “whole” body experience. At Barnard Chiropractic, Health, Sports & Wellness we not only specialize in sport related injuries, we can help with all matters of personal injury, such as falls and car accidents. Dr. Barnard is a Certified Sports Physician and has had specialized training in dealing with all extremities. We know how to exam, diagnose, and treat each specific area of the body because Dr. Barnard wants to get you back to living your daily routine pain free once again.

Most people believe that a Chiropractor deals only in back pain or spinal injuries. In fact, Chiropractic care is a “whole” body experience. At Barnard Chiropractic, Health, Sports & Wellness we not only specialize in sport related injuries, we can help with all matters of personal injury, such as falls and car accidents. Dr. Barnard is a Certified Sports Physician and has had specialized training in dealing with all extremities. We know how to exam, diagnose, and treat each specific area of the body.  Dr. Barnard wants to get you back to living your daily routine pain free once again.

Joint pains are a common condition that we see here at Barnard Chiropractic, Health, Sports & Wellness. Many people suffer from arthritis and joint pain and think that it’s just a part of getting older. The truth is that you can prevent arthritis and those painful symptoms if you get checked regularly. Arthritis starts to happen because there is abnormal stress being place on the body. No matter the area the body will lay down new bone to help with the extra demand. We know the needs of our patients that suffer with joint aches and pains and best treatment options to help you feel better.

Fibromyalgia as a disorder characterized by widespread musculoskeletal pain accompanied by fatigue, sleep, memory and mood issues. Some people experience these symptoms and don’t know what to do about it. We know the strategies and treatments to help with anyone suffering from this condition.

Many people complain of pain at the bottom of their foot or at the heel. This is known as plantar fasciitis. Over time the fascia gets tight and rigid and as a result, not allowing for foot mobility. With proper soft tissue techniques and adjustments, we can help loosen the plantar fascia up. This will allow for free movement of the foot and become pain free.

Diabetes and Hypertension of some of the most common health problems here in the United States. Due to our lack of exercise, stress levels and poor eating habits we have more and more people suffering from these conditions. We cannot reverse Diabetes. Dr. Barnard helps to manage it along with the hypertension through chiropractic care and proper nutritional counseling.

People often suffer from irritable bowel syndrome and other conditions that affect digestion. Sometimes we can link these conditions back to the foods we eat and even to the spine. Therefore if the spine is misaligned and the signals to and from the brain are not functioning at 100% you can have problems.  We know the ways to address these issues through consultations with food and through adjustments.

People don’t realize the importance of posture. Proper posture allows our bodies to function at its best. Let’s do the breathing test! While seated in your chair I want you to slump forward rounding your shoulders. While in this position I want you to try and take a deep breath. Ok now I want you to sit back in your chair with you shoulders down and back and your head pulled back over your shoulders. Now take a deep breath. As a result how much easier was that? A lot right? Well this is just a simple way to show you the importance of posture and how it affects our function. We understand this importance and strive to work with each patient on getting them to work on posture.

Stress is a part of our every day life and comes in many different forms. The physical and emotional stress we put on our body can be detrimental to our health if not managed. Consequently our energy levels get drained. This is due to many different factors. We take a patient centered, whole body approach to finding out the places in your body that are under stress and why your energy levels are off. Through chiropractic care and proper nutrition, we help people decrease stress and improve energy levels.

Some people live with pain and say “I’ve just learned to live with it”. But what if you didn’t? What if there was a solution to your pain? Would you want to try it out? Here at Barnard Chiropractic, Health, Sports & Wellness we offer that hope. We work with patients that have tried everything and still have pain. Many cases patients have come in with chronic pain and in just a few treatments start to feel better. Each case is different and responds differently but the techniques and full body approach we take is the same. Let us help you get to a happier and healthier pain free life.

If you come down with some soreness or sickness it can be caused by many different things. It can be a virus or bacteria. Consequently it can be due to working out too hard or the foods that we eat. Whatever the reason we can help you overcome these symptoms and get you back to feeling better in no time.

Many people suffer with being overweight. In contrast, others struggle with the ability to gain lean muscle mass. Some men and women want to optimize their muscle building potential. Here at Barnard Chiropractic we can help with those types of issues. With a detailed consultation, exam and nutritional analysis we can fine tune your regiment so your goals will be optimized.

Many people have issue with their TMJ. The TMJ is the joint that connects your bottom jaw to your top jaw. This can cause all sorts of symptoms like headaches, neck stiffness, neck pain and more. Our job is to make sure that your TMJ is functioning properly. That’s because the impact it has on your overall health. We know the steps necessary to analyzing and fixing TMJ problems so that you can live a happy and pain free life.

 Chiropractic Conditions We Treat in Coconut Creek

Contact our Coconut Creek Chiropractor today!

Call us at (561) 626-9555 to make an appointment.
