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Coconut Creek Chiropractic Services

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Coconut Creek Chiropractic Services

Below are just a few of the options that we have at our Coconut Creek location to help treat the needs that you or your loved ones might have. We provide a wide variety of services so that we can help any and all that come. Most important we pride ourselves on the best care possible. At Barnard Chiropractic, Health, Sports & Wellness you are not just a number but part of the family.

Chiropractic Spine & Extremity Adjusting

What are adjustments? The number one Chiropractic service we use is the adjustment. Adjustments are a force generated by the doctor in a specific plane in order to restore proper motion to a malposition or “subluxated” segment. We do this to both the spine and extremities, which not only affects the joints, but also the nervous system. When doing this we restore proper flow and inhibit pain receptors. These adjustments also affect different body systems and can help with digestion, asthma, gastrointestinal problems and more. Consequently we use various techniques and adjustments to accommodate all types of people and preferences. We care about your comfort and want your visit to be an enjoyable one.

 Coconut Creek Chiropractic Services

Soft Tissue and Chiropractic

Equally important to the joints is the soft tissue. For the same reason we offer soft tissue therapy and myofascial release. The soft tissue component of your body is an important one that we do not overlook. We have different techniques and therapies that will help restore proper function, decrease muscles spasm and improve movement. These therapies increase blood flow and promote healing, break up scar tissue, and remove the build-up of toxins and painful chemical mediators. It is important when trying to restore proper function to your body that you address the soft tissue.

 Coconut Creek Chiropractic Services


While both spinal and joint health are important, nutrition is also a key factor in feeling your best. One of the overlooked parts of our chiropractic services is nutritional consults. Your body requires proper nutrition so it is able to function with the demands you put on it each day. Each person pushes their body in different ways throughout the day, which is why we look at your current lifestyle and diet habits to help you achieve your personal goals. Nutritional consultations are available upon request.

 Coconut Creek Chiropractic Services

Rehabilitation in Coconut Creek

With the core of our chiropractic service being the adjustment, rehabilitation would be a close second in terms of importance. Without rehab, most people are not able to function at their 100% potential. In order to re-train your body to function properly, rehabilitative exercises are taught to each patient in order to strengthen and stretch muscles while re-training the nervous system. Many exercises done in the office are easy enough to do at home as well. These exercises will not only improve function, but they will also help you relieve stress and ensure that you feel better during your everyday life!

 Coconut Creek Chiropractic Services


Soft tissue is a large component when treating the body. We offer massage in conjunction with our chiropractic services for the purpose of enhancing our treatment and improving recovery. Injuries occur and the body forms scar tissue, inhibiting motion. Muscles also become shortened or go into spasm, which may cause long term affects such as pain and discomfort. It is important when correcting your body that we address the soft tissue, which we do through therapeutic massages.

 Coconut Creek Chiropractic Services
 Coconut Creek Chiropractic Services

Coconut Creek Chiropractic Services

These are just of few of the common conditions that we treat here in our office.

(561) 626-9555

What to Do After an Accident

Information on Injuries, Prevention & Performance

Personalized Care for You and Your Family

Relaxation & Care

Coconut Creek Chiropractic Care

A common misconception about chiropractic care is that we only deal with bones and joints; however, through scientific research it has been proven that we deal not only with bones and joints, but also with the nervous system. Your nervous system controls everything you do, from the voluntary movements like walking, talking, eating, running to involuntary movements such as heart function, digestion, respiration, the immune system and more. Your brain and nerves control this system. In short, the spinal cord, which is housed in your vertebral column or your “back bones”, sends and receives signals to every organ, muscle and tissue in your body. It is important that this “information highway” is functioning at 100%. Any misalignment of your “back bones” can cause irritation to your nervous system. This irritation causes a disruption in the signals to and from the brain, which leads to “dis-ease” and dysfunction.

We Value You!

Our job here at Barnard Chiropractic, is to be sure you are functioning at your 100%. Using a whole body and evidence based approach; we strive to find the root cause of your “dis-ease”. We have a wide variety of techniques and approaches to accommodate all patients. Come join the family and let us help you!

Want to schedule an appointment?

Call us at (561)626-9555 to make an appointment.
