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Back Pain Chiropractor in Coconut Creek FL

young man with back pain in the office 2021 12 23 00 58 43 utc scaled 900x500 Back Pain Chiropractor in Coconut Creek FL

Back Pain

Back Pain Relief and Injury Treatment

$50 billion is spent in health care costs for low back pain treatment. It is the number one reason why people see a doctor. This doesn’t even cover the upper back. Unfortunately, many people suffer from upper and low back pain. Dr. Barnard is the chiropractor in Coconut Creek that people trust for their back care and needs. He offers a natural approach to back pain that not only can provide relief but will save you money in the long run.

What Causes Back Pain?

Many different injuries and routines of life can cause back pain. It would be impossible to name all the reasons however, many common ones do occur. Dr Barnards approach to care is to diagnose, treat and prevent back pain. This is done through regular chiropractic care, nutrition and lifestyle changes.

Common Causes of Back Pain


Car Accidents in South Florida are all too common and are a major reason why many suffer with back pain. Whiplash can occur at any speed above 8.2mph. So even the “minor fender bender” can be enough to cause back pain.

Sports Injuries

Athletes of all ages can sustain injuries with playing sports or training. If you play an individual sport or team sport its important that you don’t neglect your body and listen to the warning signs of injury. Far too often athletes “push” through and find themselves in worse positions.

Poor Ergonomics

Work related injuries due to poor ergonomics is a very common occurrence. We can sometimes spend 8-12 hours at a job over 5 days a week. This can last for years. Its important to know that a little trauma over long periods of time can lead to major back pain.

Poor Posture

Our society is plagued with poor posture and a big cause for this is technology. Computers, phones and tablets have us hunched over for hours. This type of posture is extremely detrimental for developing children and can be just as bad for other ages as well.


Ask almost any mom who has been pregnant and they will tell you that back pain is something they had. Not all women struggle with it but a vast majority do. As your baby develops your spine and pelvis go through changes. This added weight and change can cause back pain. Hormonal changes later in pregnancy can cause lasting back pain. As your body changes through pregnancy and even more so after, its important to get your spine and pelvis checked so that it can fully heal.

Chiropractic Care Provides Natural Back Pain Relief

Dr. Barnard has successfully diagnosed and treated thousands of people with back pain. His approach not only looks for the root cause but strives to fix it and prevent future problems.

Chiropractic Adjustment

Dr. Barnard has a wide range of treatment options for people suffering with back pain. Through spinal adjustments we can decrease the pressure placed on the nerves in your spine.

Therapeutic Exercises

Its important to not only treat the spine but also to treat the surrounding structures. Once we have successfully treated the root cause of your back pain we begin to do exercises in order to strengthen the muscles so that this problem does not come back.

Contact our Coconut Creek Chiropractor today!

Call us at (561) 626-9555 to make an appointment.
